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Bylaws of the

Louisiana Technology Student Association




Section 1:

The name of the corporation shall be the Louisiana Technology Student Association and may be referred to as Louisiana TSA, or LTSA.




Section 1:

To widen and deepen the interest and knowledge of students in this technological age and to promote technology education in the schools of Louisiana.


To provide students with opportunities for the development of leadership skills through social civic, school and community activities.


To develop through group action, the ability of students to plan, organize, And carry out worthy activities and projects.


To explore industry and the American industrial civilization.


To promote high standards of craftsmanship, scholarship, and safety.


To foster a deep respect for the dignity of work.

  To provide learning experiences that will transfer to leisure time activities and hobbies.
  To promote creative expression.

To develop consumer knowledge.


To instill positive habits and attitudes toward the American way of life.




Section 1:

The Louisiana Technology Student Association is an organization of local chartered chapters, each operating in accordance with the charter granted by Louisiana TSA.

Section 2:

Each local chapter of Louisiana TSA will be responsible for all operational activities within that chapter.

Section 3:

Each local chapter is directly responsible to Louisiana TSA.

Section 4:

The administration of Louisiana TSA interest will be vested in the Louisiana TSA Executive Committee and State Advisor.

Section 5:

The State Advisor will have the responsibility of carrying out the administrative functions of Louisiana TSA in cooperation with the Executive Committee of Louisiana TSA.

Section 6:

The President of the Advisory Council will be elected by the council for a term of two years will act as the chairperson of the Advisory Council in cooperation with the State Advisor.

Section 7:

The Advisory Council of Louisiana TSA will represent the educational business and industrial interest of technology education.

Section 8:

The Louisiana TSA Executive Committee will consist off all Louisiana TSA state officers.

Section 9:

Each individual member is directly responsible to his/her local chapter.




Section 1:

Louisiana TSA will recognize individual membership through chartered local chapters meeting all constitutional requirements.

Section 2:

Membership eligibility will be governed by each chartered chapter. Individual membership will be recognized as active, alumni, or honorary life member.

Section 3:

Active membership shall be open to all students, in grades seven (7) through twelve (12), enrolled in or having completed any technology education course. Active members may be declared eligible to hold offices, participate in competitive events and projects, serve as voting delegates in the state or national association, or otherwise represent their chapter in Louisiana TSA activities as may be approved by this association or prescribed by the Louisiana TSA constitution.

Section 4:

Alumni members are eligible for membership upon the payment of dues but cannot hold office or vote.

Section 5:

Honorary life members may be individuals who have made or are making outstanding contributions to the advancement of technology education, as may be approved by the Louisiana TSA Advisory Council, and shall be exempt from annual dues.

Section 6:

An individual members must join at the local, state, and national levels. No individual or chapter may become a member of the national association by bypassing the state association.




Section 1:

Local chapters shall exercise their voting privilege through voting delegates.

Section 2:

Each chapter charter properly registered and in attendance a the annual business meeting is entitled to two (2) voting delegates for the purpose of transacting the business and electing officers of the Louisiana TSA.




Section 1:

A state leadership conference may be held each year with the time and place to be designated by the Advisory Council.

Section 2:

The annual meeting of the association shall take place at such time and place as designated by the Advisory Council.




Section 1:

The elected state officers shall consist of:

  • President,
  • Vice-president,
  • Secretary,
  • Treasurer,
  • Reporter,
  • Sergeant-at-Arms,
  • Officer-at-large
Section 2:

The LTSA Executive Committee shall be compared of all LTSA elected officers.

Section 3:

Only active members in grades seven through twelve will be eligible for state office. A candidate must have an average of 2.5 or higher based upon an "A" being a 4.00 in their technology education classes. and should have a knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Graduating seniors are not eligible to be elected to a state office.

Section 4:

Nominations must be submitted by the registration due date as established by the Advisory Council prior to the annual meeting. In the event that there are no nominations for a particular office, nominations will be accepted from the floor for that office.

Section 5:

State officers should be elected by a majority vote of the voting delegates during the annual meeting of Louisiana TSA. Each chartered local chapter may have a maximum of two (2) nominations for state offices. Elected individuals for state office will be sworn in at the annual meeting and will hold office until the close of the next annual meeting.

Section 6:

The Louisiana TSA Advisory Council may fill by appointment any vacancy occurring in the state offices from the unexpired term, except for the president's office, which will be filled by the vice-president.




Section 1:

The advisory council shall be composed of the state advisor, the advisory council president, the elected officer of LTSA, and representatives only the chapter advisors and state universities.

Section 2:

The state advisor shall be elected by a majority vote of the Advisory Council for a renewable two year term.

Section 3:

The state advisor of Louisiana TSA is an automatic member of the advisory council.

Section 4:

The Louisiana TSA Advisory council shall cooperate with and service in an advisory capacity to the Executive committee. The Advisory Council will act as the Rules Interpretation Panel for all competitive events.




Section 1:

Two- thirds (2/3) of the registered voting delegates in attendance at any scheduled meeting of Louisiana TSA shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.




Section 1:

These bylaws may be amended by two thirds (2/3) vote of approval of the seated voting delegates at the annual business meeting:

Section 2:

Proposed amendments must be published and available to all members at least two weeks prior to the Louisiana TSA annual business meeting.




Section I:

All association funds will be used in promoting the general welfare of the Louisiana TSA.

Section 2:

Dues will be established by the national and state organization.

Section 3:

State dues will be established by a majority vote of chartered chapters and may not be increased or decreased without prior notice and appropriate action by a majority of chartered chapters.

Section 4:

The fiscal year will be from July 1 to June 30 of each year.




Section 1:

The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority of the association, subject to the special rules, which have or may be adopted. It will govern in any case that might arise which is not herein included.



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